REBT, Mindfulness, Behaviorism potpourri
From Vipasana to Zen to Mindfulness to CBT-REBT to Acceptance to the “Third Wave” of behaviorism, to Tourette’s (and maybe a few comments about the kitchen sink as well) Originally posted 2015-07-05 04:09:57.
Are you reluctant to accept?
Some people, I think, are uncomfortable with the concept of “acceptance, believing that acceptance equates to passivity, to “resignation,” to not being proactively engaged in problem solving, in working hard to have a full, rich life. Originally posted 2014-04-10 18:13:25.
Mindfulness and REBT
MEDITATION: Madness or Mindfulness Or . . . ??? Originally posted 2015-10-14 07:11:46.