Are you reluctant to accept?
Some people, I think, are uncomfortable with the concept of “acceptance, believing that acceptance equates to passivity, to “resignation,” to not being proactively engaged in problem solving, in working hard to have a full, rich life. Originally posted 2014-04-10 18:13:25.

Mindfulness and REBT
MEDITATION: Madness or Mindfulness Or . . . ??? Originally posted 2015-10-14 07:11:46.

Mindfulness Meditation & REBT (?)
Most people don’t realize that the mind constantly chatters. And yet, that chatter winds up being the force that drives us much of the day in terms of what we do, what we react to, and how we feel. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness author, founder of mindfulness based stress reduction. Originally posted 2017-06-17 20:35:14.

Enhance your meditation practice with “MUSE”
Originally posted 2019-12-17 17:46:35.

If you can sit quietly . . .
If you can sit quietly after difficult news . . . Originally posted 2019-01-31 07:34:48.

More “expliding teapot theory”
Sometimes people try to find ways to express their anger in a less dangerous way…. Originally posted 2013-05-03 19:26:38.

Self acceptance is not a “thing.”
Here is a good one from the 2008 archives about self-esteem and self acceptance: By refusing to “devalue yourself because of your ignorance” perhaps you do understand more than you think. Originally posted 2015-04-16 04:22:58.

“Heart Rate Variability Training” can enhance your use of REBT-CBT as well as assist and deepen your meditation practice which will reduce stress and improve your health and well-being. Click because you want to learn how Originally posted 2019-09-04 03:10:14.

Sam Harris Waking Up Meditation App
Sam Harris Waking Up Meditation Training App Waking Up is free to download, and offers access to the first 5 meditations for FREE. After that, just $14.99/mo. or $10.00/mo. paid annually. Originally posted 2019-01-29 03:01:58.