How to deal with your past errors?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 14 Nov 24 in Albert Ellis, damning, downing, Ellis Quotes, People Rating, Rating, Shame, USA |

By honestly acknowledging your past errors, but never damning yourself for them, you can learn to use your past for your own future.”

~Albert Ellis


When you are done disputing A Must not be A,
what are you left with?

You are left with A is A 
… and that’s Acceptance, baby!

In this way, REBT and Mindfulness intersect nicely.


Acceptance is the soft underbelly of REBT.
 ~Rex Alexander, REBT coach, bloggerer


Hi REBT Mates,

What do you think? 

1. What does REBT mean by “damming yourself”?

2. Why would damming tend to short circuit the benefits of acknowledging past mistakes?  
3. In what ways can we avoid damming?



Some people are off put by the title …For Dummies. Regardless of the cutesy name, this franchise is solid, and the two mindfulness entries by Shamash Alidina are solid; a serious way to being (or enhance) a mindfulness practice. Shamash is a fine teacher, and I (Rex) was privileged to participate in one of the online 8 week mindfulness labs lead by one of his accredited teachers. 


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Originally posted 2017-06-17 06:21:04.

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