Ten Cognitive Distortions

Here an expanded discussion of the Ten Cognitive Distortions as conceptualized by David Burns and the Big Four, four irrational beliefs (IB’s) that drive emotional as conceptualized by Dr. Albert Ellis. Originally posted 2019-08-24 18:57:56.


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Is keeping emotions “bottled up” dangerous?

In my callow and shallow youth, I used to subscribe to the “teapot model” of emotions.  You know, our emotional systems are like teapots with water boiling, generating steam and pressure.  If the steam does not have an outlet, or the outlet becomes overwhelmed by too much steam expanding too quickly . . . POW !!!  Explosion […]


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American exceptionalism (REBT style)

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 18 Jun 24 in General Semantics, overgeneralization, People Rating, Rating |

On another thread, we have been discussing America being the greatest country in the world, that is so called “American Exceptionalism.” Originally posted 2016-06-17 05:30:58.


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Guest Author, Dr. Edelstein

REBT (according to Ellis) posits that inappropriate negative emotions come from one type of irrational thinking . . . Originally posted 2013-12-27 06:34:31.


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Disguised shoulds?

Greta Van Susteren,  former Fox News Analyst Are Greta’s “disguised shoulds” showing? We have been talking about the model of REBT where demanding (shoulds, oughts, musts, etc.) are at the root of disturbance.  I thought it might be a good occasion to reprise my concept of “disguised shoulds.” Originally posted 2014-10-01 06:33:55.


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Why “can’t” you rate the essence of a human?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 16 May 24 in Acceptance, ePrime, General Semantics, judgment, People Rating, Rating, Self esteem, self vs. behavior, USA |

Jane asks a very important question: Why does REBT say you cannot define or rate the essence of a human being?  . . . Click to read her full question and my reply . . . Originally posted 2013-12-15 23:16:48.


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Internet addiction?

A reader shares that on occasion they find a new and interesting venue on the internet and end up using it compulsively, wasting a lot of time, and then feeling disgusted with themselves. They believe that if they make a decision to get involved with an internet venue, they can just make a decision to […]


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Is “should” ever necessary?

A faithful reader asks What’s the best response to “I should have ______  (done x y z more) and if I had, things would be different now”?     Thank you.”       Ah, yes!  Our “Darling Shoulds!”  How we resist relinquishing them!   As if they were some jewel more precious than diamonds!   😉  Originally posted […]


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More internet addiction / Time Management

Guest Author Gunars K. Neiders, Psy.D. Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist I , myself, am trying to build more self-discipline by using . . . Originally posted 2013-04-17 18:14:17.


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How to deal with your past errors?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 20 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, damning, downing, Ellis Quotes, People Rating, Rating, Shame, USA |

By honestly acknowledging your past errors, but never damning yourself for them, you can learn to use your past for your own future.” ~Albert Ellis   Originally posted 2017-06-17 06:21:04.


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