Simple, Effective Strategies To Immediately Boost Your Self-Esteem

Posted by Anna Kucirkova on Thu 25 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Guest Author, Self esteem, ULA, UOA, USA |

Guest author, Anna Kucirkova offers up some thoughtful tips on self-esteem.   Originally posted 2018-03-28 13:51:42.


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What is REBT?

Posted by Will Ross on Mon 22 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Guest Author, Guilt & Shame, Happiness, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA, What is REBT - CBT? |

This post is pinned to the top. Scroll down for recent posts REBT / Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy What the hell is it, anyway??? Click the blue  link below  for Will Ross’s excellent, easy-to-follow explanation . . . Originally posted 2013-03-27 18:01:44.


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Self acceptance is not a “thing.”

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 5 Jun 24 in Acceptance, Self esteem, USA |

 Here is a good  one from the 2008 archives about self-esteem and self acceptance: By refusing to “devalue yourself because of your ignorance” perhaps you do understand more than you think. Originally posted 2015-04-16 04:22:58.


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Judge behavior, not self

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 17 May 24 in Acceptance, ePrime, Guilt & Shame, judgment, Rating, Self esteem, self vs. behavior, ULA, UOA, USA |

The long and the short of it is, however, that REBT-CBT–as do some  other modern psychological approaches and schools of psychology–encourages people to distinguish between self and behavior, and to recognize  judgments or global ratings as irrational and unhelpful, and to instead practice Unconditional Self Acceptance (USA), Unconditional Other Acceptance (UOA) and Unconditional Life Acceptance (ULA)  […]


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Why “can’t” you rate the essence of a human?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 16 May 24 in Acceptance, ePrime, General Semantics, judgment, People Rating, Rating, Self esteem, self vs. behavior, USA |

Jane asks a very important question: Why does REBT say you cannot define or rate the essence of a human being?  . . . Click to read her full question and my reply . . . Originally posted 2013-12-15 23:16:48.


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Dr. Ellis on Unconditional Self Acceptance – Video

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 14 May 24 in Acceptance, Albert Ellis, Books & Media, Self esteem, ULA, UOA, USA, Videos |

This is part of a wonderful audio recording of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others. Click to listen. Originally posted 2013-08-02 20:48:25.


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Mortification of the Self

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 10 May 24 in Albert Ellis, REBT & Other therapies compared, Religion, Self esteem, Uncategorized, USA, z-15 |

 MORTIFICATION of the EGO    This may seem tangential to REBT. It definitely leans more to the philosophical than therapeutic. I think the conclusion brings the therapeutic aspect into clearer focus.      The “ego” or “self” or however you want to describe or define it, comes preinstalled on all humans so far as we know, […]



“Secondary disturbance” is not secondary in signifance.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 4 May 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Depression, Disputing, ULA, UOA, USA |

We have been having some great discussions lately over at the REBT-CBT Forum Yahoogroup.  Thm raised an honest and important question and was kind enough to allow me to re-post it here.  Thanks, Thm!  His question and my response follows. Your follow-up comments and questions are encouraged and welcomed. Originally posted 2013-12-07 03:57:31.


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How to deal with your past errors?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 20 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, damning, downing, Ellis Quotes, People Rating, Rating, Shame, USA |

By honestly acknowledging your past errors, but never damning yourself for them, you can learn to use your past for your own future.” ~Albert Ellis   Originally posted 2017-06-17 06:21:04.


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“Unconditional” Self Acceptance ???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 14 Apr 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA |

What does “Unconditional”  in Unconditional Self Acceptance Mean  ??? A reader says that his English teacher advised that he avoid “modifiers” as they weaken the strength of the word they are modifying.  So, rather than “Unconditional Self Acceptance (USA)” he just leaves it at “self acceptance.”  Nothing wrong with that, but it does raise some […]


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