Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better! (Sure you are!)
Every day, in every way I am getting better and better!” Yeah, right, sure! To quote that brilliant 20th Century philosopher, Curly of the Three Stooges … “Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck!” If you believe that, we would like to ask simply, How is that going for you? Originally posted 2012-11-03 04:15:21.
Is REBT-CBT “Positive Thinking”?
Erroneous comparisons of REBT-CBT to “positive thinking” and similar is a pereneal staw man argument . One of the problems in trying to get the word out about REBT-CBT is that they are often dismissed as merely “positive thinking. In my opinion, one of the goals of any REBT media is to distinguish REBT-CBT from . . . […]