Pissed beyond all measure!!!
The following is a actual quote by someone I worked for at one time, complaining that I failed to communicate according to protocol. The context is unimportant, but the situations is real, in real-time, and the details are kept sparse to allow us to focus on the REBT process (and, of course, to protect the guilty)
The critic is angry, talks about being pissed off, and then goes on to say It annoys me beyond measure, so . . . “ |
This was not said as an offhanded “throw away line” or as a colorful figure of speech. The boss was expressing real vitriol and hostility.
- Identify the specific distortion(s) in this brief statement.
- What exactly does “pissed beyond all measure” meean? What is the intent and what is being expressed here? Expand upon this original statement; what other distortions is this likely to lead to?
- Why are these distortions distorted? That is in what ways are they distorted? What makes them distorted?
- What would the like emotional and behavioral consequence for
a. the critic
b. the person being criticized - Does this interaction remind you of any incidents or “activating events” in your own life?
- Or, do you believe such statements are this a just a “figure of speech,” just a colorful expression made for emphasis that we needn’t t be so fussy over? Or is Rex just being a “word Nazi”?
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Originally posted 2014-10-17 18:57:05.
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When I think of being pissed off beyond measure, it means that I am so pissed I can’t even articulate how much. I think it is a figure of speech, of sorts, but it also has real meaning.
Hi Blythe!
Welcome. Thanks for your comments.
REBT can sometimes seem to be overly-fussy about “semantics.” Certainly, language is often innocuous. However, one of the primary goals of REBT-CBT is to notice the emotional impact the words we use have on us. “Awfulizations” in the various from tend to inflame us emotionally which makes it difficult for us to behave rationally in ways which are rewarding and fulfilling, getting us more of what we want and less of what we do not want. “Pissed off beyond measure” is classic awfulizing: It’s terrible and I can’t stand it! Ironically such awfulizaing is often in response to very trivial events. Sure, it’s “just” a “figure of speech.” If it upsets us, however, it is quite a bit more than just a figure of speech. The goal of REBT is to begin noticing and doing something about the actual emotional effect that language has on us.