Broadening the appeal of REBT CBT?

AEI Expansion Plans
From: Albert Ellis Institute <info@albertellis.org> Subject: An important announcement Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 17:02:02 -0400 (EDT) To: Rex. … @ > The Board of Trustees of the Albert Ellis Institute is delighted to announce the next phase of its expansion, growth, and development. Originally posted 2013-07-19 18:00:41.

Albert Ellis Institue Property for Sale
Reverse Psychology: Albert Ellis Institute Finds a Buyer For Unlisted $24.5 M. Townhouse How do you sell a $24.5 million Upper East Side townhouse? Try starting with a lawsuit, asking too much, churning through brokers, dropping the price, then pulling the property off the market. But hey, it worked! The Albert Ellis Institute has found […]

Getting to know (and love) Albert Ellis and his theory
Interview by Allen Ivey As 2015 came to a close, so too did the 60th anniversary of Albert Ellis first presenting his widely influential approach to psychotherapy in 1955. Initially, his approach was severely challenged by many, and when he presented it to his peers at the annual American Psychological Association (APA) convention in […]

Will Ross R.I.P.
I am sad to share the news of the passing of my friend and colleague Will Ross, REBT author http://www.shamelesshappiness.com/, blogger and website host http://www.rebtnetwork.org/ . We knew that Will had battled cancer, mostly successfully, for several years. However, I just received a forwarded e-mail from Will’s wife, Cynthia, telling us that Will’s health went […]