Ten Cognitive Distortions

Here an expanded discussion of the Ten Cognitive Distortions as conceptualized by David Burns and the Big Four, four irrational beliefs (IB’s) that drive emotional as conceptualized by Dr. Albert Ellis. Originally posted 2019-08-24 18:57:56.


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Is keeping emotions “bottled up” dangerous?

In my callow and shallow youth, I used to subscribe to the “teapot model” of emotions.  You know, our emotional systems are like teapots with water boiling, generating steam and pressure.  If the steam does not have an outlet, or the outlet becomes overwhelmed by too much steam expanding too quickly . . . POW !!!  Explosion […]


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The Beck Diet Solution

The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck This time, it’s going to be different. This time, you are going to diet successfully . . .    Originally posted 2017-10-30 04:41:55.


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TRIGGER WARNING! Sorry to be the one to tell you; people, places and things “out there” do not trigger you. You trigger yourself by your distorted interpretations of the trigger. Of course, to understand that, you first need to understand something about REBT-CBT. Originally posted 2017-10-28 17:04:18.


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Ten Cognitive Distortions & Four IB’s

REBT-CBT is built on the premise that we all make fundamental mistakes in the way we think about ourselves, other people and life in general, and that these mistakes (irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions) are the real cause of (virtually all) of our misery and dysfunction and failure. This is so important!   Continue reading to see […]


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How helpful is CBT, really?

       We have been discussing the approach of Dr. David Burns, renowned member of the Beck team which developed Cognitive Therapy in the 1980’s, best-selling author of the evergreen “Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” and many other fine books on CBT.         Originally posted 2014-10-01 20:41:19.


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“Sensitive Souls” and Managing Painful Emotions

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 24 Apr 24 in Cognitve (Behavior) Therapy, David Burns, Uncategorized, zz-MONTH-5 |

“Sensitive Souls”and Managing Painful Emotions. If you are a “sensitive soul,” depending upon your resources and circumstances, you may be faced with the dilemma of building, and then closing yourself in a walled, perfumed garden so that all the suffering, tragedy and injustice in the world cannot get to you. Or, on the other hand, […]



How much stimulation is enough?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 17 Apr 24 in Anxiety, Cognitve (Behavior) Therapy, phobias |

  Do you find roller coasters and “thrill rides” to be stimulating and exciting or frightening and enervating?    Originally posted 2016-05-18 21:55:56.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 14 Mar 24 in Aaron Beck, Books & Media, bookshop, Cognitve (Behavior) Therapy |

  Aaron T. Beck  (born July 18, 1921)  is an American psychiatrist who developed CBT / Cognitive Behavior Therapy . . .  Originally posted 2019-02-24 06:15:40.


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Conversation with Aaron Beck, Founder Cognitive Therapy

  Fascinating Conversation with Aaron T. Beck, founder of Cognitive Therapy Watch this fascinating video about the life and times of Dr. Beck,  and join in the discussion.  Originally posted 2013-04-08 21:04:46.


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