About Will Ross

  • Website: http://www.REBTnetwork.org
  • Email: email
  • Biography: The late Will Ross, author of "A Guide to Shameless Happiness", "Happy For Life", "How to Reach Your Full Potential", "Rational Drinking" (with Michael Edelstein), and "From Stuttering to Fluency" (with Gunars Neiders) was the webmaster and co-founder of REBT Network (http://www.REBTnetwork.org). He blogged about REBT and related subjects and tutored REBT self-helpers. He was one of the clearest and strongest voices in explaining REBT in simple terms.

Posts by Will Ross:


What is REBT?

Posted by Will Ross on Mon 22 Jul 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Guest Author, Guilt & Shame, Happiness, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA, What is REBT - CBT? |

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Rational Emotive
Behavior Therapy
What the hell is it, anyway???

Click the blue  link below  for Will Ross’s excellent, easy-to-follow explanation . . .

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Originally posted 2013-03-27 18:01:44.

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