Interview with Dr. Edelstein

  We are very pleased to be able to bring you an exclusive, in-depth discussion-interview with San Francisco psychologist,  Dr. Michael Edelstein, one of the pioneers of REBT and one of it’s leading proponents today, author of the now-classic “Three Minute Therapy,” and just out Therapy Breakthrough Without further ado, please enjoy “What are you telling yourself?  . . […]


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Escape the “Self Esteem” Trap! Today!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 26 Mar 24 in Acceptance, Rating, Self esteem, self vs. behavior, ULA, UOA, USA |

  So called “self-esteem” is a fallacy, a racket invented by what I call the “Self Esteem MAFIA”  ~Rex Originally posted 2017-03-21 21:08:40.


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Don’t call me an asshole, you big dickhead!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 24 Mar 24 in labeling, labeling and mislabeling, Name-calling, overgeneralizing, Self esteem, z-monthly |

As advocates of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), it’s clear that we face a challenging task. Convincing people to abstain from name-calling, labeling, and overgeneralization seems almost impossible, especially in today’s era of social media where such behavior is rampant. This issue is of utmost importance, given the toxicity and inflammatory nature of name-calling. Yet, […]


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