Depression following benzodiazepine withdrawal
Mick wrote: I cannot help but feel that my life has been ruined by this withdrawal process. 10 months out and I am in another wave. I have so much brain fog its unreal, as well as many, many many other debilitating symptoms. I lost the person whom I thought that I would marry […]

The “Ask Rex” Column
This post is pinned to the top. Scroll down for the most recent posts. The “Ask Rex” Column Originally posted 2013-04-21 01:34:32.

Is a “Happy-go-lucky” attitude an answer to anxiety?
How do we deal with anxiety about the future of a son who is not doing well in high school? Originally posted 2014-07-13 03:53:10.

Will Unconditional Self Acceptance make me lose my edge?
Sean B. in Florida asks Rex. I think I understand the idea of unconditional self acceptance, in theory at least. But I am afraid that adopting it will cause me to lose my edge and stop striving for excellence in my career. If I accept myself unconditionally, then do I have to accept it if […]