Task perfection vs. self-perfection.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 24 Jul 24 in David Burns, Demanding, Perfectionism, Task Perfection vs. Self Perfection |

  Dare to be average! Originally posted 2016-08-22 20:50:01.


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Are you making progress?

Originally posted 2017-11-03 06:54:35.


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What’s wrong with saying, “I am an EXCELLENT person” ???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 7 May 24 in Acceptance, ePrime, General Semantics, Perfectionism, Task Perfection vs. Self Perfection |

  We have  bee having a lively–if somewhat perennial–discussion about why REBT dos not favor motivation and bolstering of “self esteem” by using global labels and “rating,”  such as “I am an EXCELLENT person.” Originally posted 2018-12-26 19:54:03.


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Task perfection vs. self-perfection

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 31 Mar 24 in Acceptance, Perfectionism, Rating, Task Perfection vs. Self Perfection, ULA, UOA, USA |

  Many confuse the REBT idea of Unconditional Self-acceptance (USA) with being cavalier unconcerned about how well they perform, and fear that embracing might cause them to lose their edge in a competitive, results-oriented society, possibly losing their work ethic and slipping into a passive, dysfunctional lifestyle. While this concern is understandable, it is unfounded. […]



Aim for success, not perfection

Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.”               ~Dr. David M. Burns Originally posted 2013-05-02 22:53:14.


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Will Unconditional Self Acceptance make me lose my edge?

    Sean B. in Florida  asks  Rex.  I think I understand the idea of unconditional self acceptance, in theory at least. But I am afraid that adopting it will cause me to lose my edge and stop striving for excellence in my career.  If I accept myself unconditionally, then do I have to accept it if […]


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