How will I know if I am getting “real” CBT?
How will I know if I’m getting ‘real’ CBT Judith Beck, PhD answers . . . Originally posted 2017-07-09 21:58:37.

A Bouquet of Dr. Burns Classics For You
Originally posted 2018-12-17 12:00:58.

Get to know more about Gary Emery, Ph.D., part of Aaron Beck’s team at University of Pennsylvania that developed CBT . . . Originally posted 2019-04-08 21:34:45.

Dr. Judith S. Beck [daughter of renowned Aaron T. Beck] is the President of the non-profit Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy . . . Originally posted 2019-02-24 21:39:36.

Lynn Clark, PhD, Author, Clinical Psychologist, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Western Kentucky University . . . Originally posted 2019-02-28 19:51:48.

Aaron T. Beck (born July 18, 1921) is an American psychiatrist who developed CBT / Cognitive Behavior Therapy . . . Originally posted 2019-02-24 06:15:40.

Do you believe your thoughts?
Are your thoughts true? Here is one for you. When you are aware of thinking a thought, do you automatically assume that it is true, factual and valid? Originally posted 2017-09-20 07:37:03.