Is drinking alcohol rational?
We were discussing whether the use of alcohol is (ever) rational, and it resulted in the following rant on my part. Excuse me if my bias is showing just a wee tad! Originally posted 2013-02-15 18:41:00.

Depression following benzodiazepine withdrawal
Mick wrote: I cannot help but feel that my life has been ruined by this withdrawal process. 10 months out and I am in another wave. I have so much brain fog its unreal, as well as many, many many other debilitating symptoms. I lost the person whom I thought that I would marry […]

New book on rational drinking!
I am very pleased to remind you of a book by my friends Dr. Michael Edelstein (left) and the late Will Ross (right)*, two people eminently qualified to teach us about how distorted thinking and irrational beliefs lead to excessive, self-destructive behaviors such as alcoholism and drug addictions. Originally posted 2013-01-11 18:53:48.

What does REBT have to say about alcoholism and drug addiction ? Originally posted 2019-06-25 05:40:19.