Kumare, Scoundrel or Liberator ???
This is more about rational thinking in the larger sense than REBT per se. It illustrates in the most scandalous and amazing way human beings profound tendency to think, emote and behave gullibly, credulously and superstitiously. As Dr. Ellis ‘demurely’ said, “Humans are out of their fucking minds!” […]

Interview with Dr. Ellis
Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living – Thinking allowed DVD with Jeffrey Mishlove NOTE: This is an excerpt from the full 90-minute DVD (available on Amazon.com) Originally posted 2013-05-24 18:37:19.

Rational Optimism and Sane Positive Thinking are topics very near and dear to the heart of REBT-CBT. Click to find out why . . . Originally posted 2019-07-19 04:41:44.

Are you “rational”?
The word rational is obviously fundamental to REBT. After all, we are Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. However, I am afraid this is misleading to many as REBT uses the word in a special way . . . Originally posted 2015-08-29 05:33:32.