About Gunars Neiders

  • Website: http://www.stutteringrecovery.net
  • Email: email
  • Biography: Dr. Gunars Neiders, Psy.D is a licensed psychologist In Washington State who combines cutting edge therapy with the latest in interpersonal coaching to help people all around the world with their speech habits. He provides coaching online to people who want help with stuttering, utilizing multidisciplinary approaches based on REBT-CBT.

Posts by Gunars Neiders:


More internet addiction / Time Management

Guest Author

Gunars K. Neiders, Psy.D. Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist
I , myself, am trying to build more self-discipline by using . . .

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Originally posted 2013-04-17 18:14:17.

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Dire need for love and approval . . .

Posted by Gunars Neiders on Wed 28 Feb 24 in Dire need for love & approval, Guest Author |

  It is always a privilege to hear from Dr. Gunars Neiders. Here is his response from the REBT-CBT Forum Yahoogroup to a member struggling with what Dr. Ellis coined as a “Dire need for love and approval.” Originally posted 2017-08-10 23:12:37.


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Dr. Gunars shares how he deals with anxiety about granddaughter not doing well in school

Posted by Gunars Neiders on Thu 22 Feb 24 in ABC Technique, Anxiety, Basics, Disputing, Guest Author, Guest Author Posts, Perfectionism |

Rex, as most of the time, gives a good answer. This is not to offer an alternative to Rex, but a supplement.” Dr. Gunars is a regular contributor to REBT Info, and we are pleased to offer his reply to our recent discussion about managing GAD and anxiety for the a child who is not doing well […]


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