Dr. Gunars shares how he deals with anxiety about granddaughter not doing well in school

Posted by Gunars Neiders on Sun 11 Aug 24 in ABC Technique, Anxiety, Basics, Disputing, Guest Author, Guest Author Posts, Perfectionism |

Rex, as most of the time, gives a good answer. This is not to offer an alternative to Rex, but a supplement.” Dr. Gunars is a regular contributor to REBT Info, and we are pleased to offer his reply to our recent discussion about managing GAD and anxiety for the a child who is not doing well […]


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Can you dispute a “secondary disburbance”?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 9 Aug 24 in Albert Ellis, Cognitve (Behavior) Therapy, David Burns, Disputing, Secondary Disturbance |

A reader asks what David Burns means in Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy when he says that you cannot dispute a feeling, you can only dispute a thought.    Originally posted 2012-09-21 05:22:16.


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Get up! Stomp around! Do your disputing aloud!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 3 Aug 24 in ABC Technique, Basics, Disputing, REBT & Other therapies compared |

This is a follow-up to my post from last month “What if you only understand your REBT process intellectually?” Originally posted 2013-12-07 04:07:02.


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Types of disputing

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 23 Jul 24 in ABC Technique, Disputing |

  Will Ross, REBT extraordinaire, explains the different types of disputing . . .  Originally posted 2013-02-07 19:47:55.


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Disputing Overgeneralizations

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 27 Jun 24 in Disputing, overgeneralization, Ten Cognitive Distortions |

A new reader asks how to dispute an “overgeneralization“ Originally posted 2017-06-07 00:00:23.


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Is keeping emotions “bottled up” dangerous?

In my callow and shallow youth, I used to subscribe to the “teapot model” of emotions.  You know, our emotional systems are like teapots with water boiling, generating steam and pressure.  If the steam does not have an outlet, or the outlet becomes overwhelmed by too much steam expanding too quickly . . . POW !!!  Explosion […]


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Only understand REBT “intellectually”?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 13 Jun 24 in Basics, Disputing, Emotions, Rational Thinking, REBT & Other therapies compared, Uncategorized |

  What if you only understand your REBT process “intellectually”? I am not as warm & fuzzy as Will Ross is on this point . . .   Originally posted 2013-11-27 03:09:37.


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Cognitive Distancing in Stoicism

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 2 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Books & Media, Disputing |

  Albert Ellis Donald Robertson Epictetus   Stoic philosophy is among the many influences Drs. Ellis and Beck drew upon in developing REBT . . .   Originally posted 2017-07-22 02:05:48.


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Is depression inherited or learned?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 20 May 24 in Depression, Disputing, Ellis Quotes |

“You largely constructed your depression. It wasn’t given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it.”                                ~Albert Ellis This one really pisses some people off, especially those who are quite invested in thinking about their depression as “genetic”  and “inherited.” Originally […]


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“Secondary disturbance” is not secondary in signifance.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 4 May 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Depression, Disputing, ULA, UOA, USA |

We have been having some great discussions lately over at the REBT-CBT Forum Yahoogroup.  Thm raised an honest and important question and was kind enough to allow me to re-post it here.  Thanks, Thm!  His question and my response follows. Your follow-up comments and questions are encouraged and welcomed. Originally posted 2013-12-07 03:57:31.


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