Malls as dopamine factories
I have been thinking about shopping malls as “dopamine factories.” Neon and other bright, colorful, “noisy” stimuli dopamine neurons . . . Originally posted 2017-02-07 07:36:45.

Not fair!
Originally posted 2018-12-14 21:39:16.

Read 1984, please!
Yeah, yeah. We know. You read the novel 1984 in high school 40 years ago. You watched both the 1956 and 1984 major motion picture adaptations. Been there, done that. Oh, hum Yawn. If you are younger, maybe you see it as “old school,” Cold War, McCarthy Era propaganda. Nothing to see here, folks, beep-beep, […]

Hello REBT Mates. I am sharing an excerpt from Mark Levinson’s important “Sensible Thinking for Turbulent Times.” The complete book in paper and Kindle is available on Amazon.com . It is only $3.99 on Kindle for some reason. This chapter serves two important functions. First it provides a comprehensive “mini-history” of World War I. If you […]