I cried because I had no shoes…

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 22 Jun 24 in Awfulzing, Emotions, Guilt & Shame |

I cried because I had no shoes . . Originally posted 2017-03-25 07:16:16.


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Judge behavior, not self

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 17 May 24 in Acceptance, ePrime, Guilt & Shame, judgment, Rating, Self esteem, self vs. behavior, ULA, UOA, USA |

The long and the short of it is, however, that REBT-CBT–as do some  other modern psychological approaches and schools of psychology–encourages people to distinguish between self and behavior, and to recognize  judgments or global ratings as irrational and unhelpful, and to instead practice Unconditional Self Acceptance (USA), Unconditional Other Acceptance (UOA) and Unconditional Life Acceptance (ULA)  […]


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“Secondary disturbance” is not secondary in signifance.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 4 May 24 in Acceptance, Basics, Depression, Disputing, ULA, UOA, USA |

We have been having some great discussions lately over at the REBT-CBT Forum Yahoogroup.  Thm raised an honest and important question and was kind enough to allow me to re-post it here.  Thanks, Thm!  His question and my response follows. Your follow-up comments and questions are encouraged and welcomed. Originally posted 2013-12-07 03:57:31.


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