Raymond A. DiGiuseppe, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Institutional Review Board, has studied anger as a clinical problem and has promoted the recognition of anger as a form of psychopathology . . . Originally posted 2019-03-03 17:41:23.
Only understand REBT “intellectually”?
What if you only understand your REBT process “intellectually”? I am not as warm & fuzzy as Will Ross is on this point . . . Originally posted 2013-11-27 03:09:37.
“Happy For Life” new Will Ross book
One of my favorite REBT guys, the late Will Ross has talent for simplifying complex REBT concepts in a way that everyone can understand. I really envy that talent. Will’s little book,Happy for Life: Ten Key Strategies is a fine example of what I am describing. Originally posted 2014-06-05 18:48:43.
Four Albert Ellis Bestsellers for You.
When you buy using these affiliate links, I get a small commission which keeps me in coffee, which keeps me working, which keeps me providing you with this content… Thank you! Here are four classic, best-selling REBT titles by Dr. Ellis that will give you a solid foundation to begin your studies of REBT-CBT or […]