Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 27 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, Your Opinion Matters |

  Masturbation is good and delicious.  Musterbation is evil and pernicious! ~Albert Ellis, PhD Dr. Ellis sometimes used vulgarity and scandalous language . . . Originally posted 2013-05-24 18:48:47.


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Is “should” ever necessary?

A faithful reader asks What’s the best response to “I should have ______  (done x y z more) and if I had, things would be different now”?     Thank you.”       Ah, yes!  Our “Darling Shoulds!”  How we resist relinquishing them!   As if they were some jewel more precious than diamonds!   😉  Originally posted […]


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Whine! Whine! Whine!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 20 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, must, musterbation, musty thinking, Rational Songs & Limericks, Videos |

   Dr. Ellis loved making fun of his and our distorted thinking and irrational behavior with humorous rational songs, and  limericks. Humor is, of course, fun, but also very powerful in helping us break the bonds of our irrational thinking.  Here is a special video by Dr. Ellis singing his famous “Whine! Whine! Whine!” song […]


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To achieve anything in life, you have to make it a “must” ???

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 3 Apr 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, must, musterbation, musty thinking, Needs vs. Preferences, Wants vs. needs |

We have been having a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion which I think boils down to a few basic-but-important questions: 1. Is it necessary to avoid shoulds, oughts, musts and why’s? in everyday speech? 2 What is the difference between “task-perfection” and “self-perfection.” 3. Can we be motivated without . . .   Originally posted 2013-02-25 23:01:10.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 21 Mar 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Demanding, musterbation, Uncategorized, Videos |

Prince Ea finally admits to being a chronic musterbator! Are you one too? Click because you want to watch this amazing video and find out . . . Originally posted 2019-09-20 20:37:27.


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Disguised “Should” statments

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 13 Feb 24 in Disguised shoulds, musterbation, musty thinking, ought, should statements, Why? questions |

  REBT Mates, it may have been yours truly who coined the term “disguised shoulds.”  Click to find out why . . . Originally posted 2017-01-30 21:19:36.


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