Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 14 Oct 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Demanding, musterbation, Uncategorized, Videos |

Prince Ea finally admits to being a chronic musterbator! Are you one too? Click because you want to watch this amazing video and find out . . . Originally posted 2019-09-20 20:37:27.


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What is the difference between healthy & unhealthy emoting?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 5 Oct 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, Emotions |

  When adversities happen to people, they can choose to make themselves either (1) healthfully negative, sorry and regretful and annoyed and frustrated and disappointed about the happening  or (2) unhealthfully negative . . .    Originally posted 2013-07-16 21:52:38.


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Is “indifference” a better option than “strong preference”?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 4 Oct 24 in Demanding, Emotions, Needs vs. Preferences |

Is “indifference”  a valid alternative to having a “strong preference”?  We have been having a lively one over that Originally posted 2013-07-17 19:12:21.


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Are opinions incompatible with REBT-CBT?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 27 Sep 24 in Acceptance, Demanding, Events, Rating, ULA, UOA, USA |

Are opinions incompatible with REBT???         What do you think? Originally posted 2013-04-20 18:13:40.


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A loyal reader asks about managing job burnout What a great topic! There is an expectation that has become common since the 1960’s that work is “supposed” to be fulfilling, satisfying, fun, even meaningful . . .  Originally posted 2013-06-25 02:53:25.


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Can Suicide ever be a rational act?

In light of recent events in the news and some of the lovely stuff that Jimmy and Steve posted here recently, I thought it might be appropriate to talk a little about suicide. First of all, if you are thinking about killing yourself or are having thoughts about harming yourself that are scaring you, pick […]


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It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to . . .

Click to listen to the great Lesley Gore great 1965 oldie, It’s My Party (and I’ll cry if I want to) We have been having an lively discussion about  and adult  who behaves with emotional immaturity such as avoiding attending a party for fear of seeing a rival there as a teenager might. Originally posted 2013-08-15 […]



MUST I have what I want?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 28 Jul 24 in Demanding, Demanding, musterbation, musty thinking, Needs vs. Preferences, Wants vs. needs |

  Do you believe that when you want something, you absolutely MUST have it . . . and that it is terrible when you don’t get what you must have? Originally posted 2016-05-09 02:14:28.


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Baby I Need Your Lovin’ . . . Really?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 27 Jul 24 in Awfulzing, Demanding, Love and Romance, Needs vs. Preferences, should statements |

Baby I Need Your Lovin’| Baby, I need your lovin’ I got to have all your lovin’ Baby, I need your lovin’ Got to have all your lovin’ ~The Four Tops, 1964      Awwwwww!  Ain’t that romantic?  Don’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?     Ain’t it the truth? […]


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Task perfection vs. self-perfection.

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 24 Jul 24 in David Burns, Demanding, Perfectionism, Task Perfection vs. Self Perfection |

  Dare to be average! Originally posted 2016-08-22 20:50:01.


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