What, more “darling shoulds?”

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 10 Jul 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, musterbation, musty thinking, Religion, should statements |

  It’s true!  I never tire of talking about my “darling shoulds.”   Originally posted 2015-03-20 05:06:07.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 27 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, Your Opinion Matters |

  Masturbation is good and delicious.  Musterbation is evil and pernicious! ~Albert Ellis, PhD Dr. Ellis sometimes used vulgarity and scandalous language . . . Originally posted 2013-05-24 18:48:47.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 24 Jun 24 in Anger, Demanding, Uncategorized |

       People and things do not upset us. Rather, we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us.” ~Albert Ellis   Originally posted 2019-09-10 23:05:13.


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Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 15 Jun 24 in Albert Ellis, Anger, Awfulzing, Books & Media, bookshop, damning, Uncategorized, Videos |

Originally posted 2019-03-14 20:12:41.


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Don’t take it personally!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 7 Jun 24 in Emotions, Rational living, Rational Thinking |

Everyone is familiar with the expression “Don’t take it personally!” Good advice in my opinion, but what does it mean and how can we actually achieve it? Originally posted 2016-04-29 21:30:29.


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Guest Author, Dr. Edelstein

REBT (according to Ellis) posits that inappropriate negative emotions come from one type of irrational thinking . . . Originally posted 2013-12-27 06:34:31.


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Is “should” ever necessary?

A faithful reader asks What’s the best response to “I should have ______  (done x y z more) and if I had, things would be different now”?     Thank you.”       Ah, yes!  Our “Darling Shoulds!”  How we resist relinquishing them!   As if they were some jewel more precious than diamonds!   😉  Originally posted […]


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Should you read this?

HOMEWORK CHALLENGE Are you conscious of how and when you use the words should, must, ought, etc? Will you take the homework challenge this week?    Originally posted 2018-09-02 18:11:21.


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Anger Management Workbook

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 26 Apr 24 in Books & Media, bookshop |

The Anger Management Workbook: Use the  S.T.O.P.  Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior   Originally posted 2018-12-09 03:20:41.


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Tyrany of the Shoulds

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 25 Apr 24 in Demanding, musterbation, musty thinking |

In recent discussion, Amanda said : Going out for dinner is a choice, bleeding monthly is not, [therefore] it should be covered by our health care”   Originally posted 2017-01-23 04:52:14.


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