What, more “darling shoulds?”

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 10 Jul 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, musterbation, musty thinking, Religion, should statements |

  It’s true!  I never tire of talking about my “darling shoulds.”   Originally posted 2015-03-20 05:06:07.


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Avoid shoulds, oughts, musts!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 17 Jun 24 in Demanding, Demanding, Homework, must, musty thinking, Should |

HOMEWORK Avoid using moralistic, absolutist “shoulds”, “oughts”, “musts”, et al. We don’t want to be rigid and dogmatic in this (and in all things). While keeping in mind there are perfectly innocuous uses of “should”, “ought”, “must”, it is nonetheless an excellent discipline to make the effort to avoid them, and to monitor yourself using […]


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Don’t take it personally!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Fri 7 Jun 24 in Emotions, Rational living, Rational Thinking |

Everyone is familiar with the expression “Don’t take it personally!” Good advice in my opinion, but what does it mean and how can we actually achieve it? Originally posted 2016-04-29 21:30:29.


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Guest Author, Dr. Edelstein

REBT (according to Ellis) posits that inappropriate negative emotions come from one type of irrational thinking . . . Originally posted 2013-12-27 06:34:31.


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Disguised shoulds?

Greta Van Susteren,  former Fox News Analyst Are Greta’s “disguised shoulds” showing? We have been talking about the model of REBT where demanding (shoulds, oughts, musts, etc.) are at the root of disturbance.  I thought it might be a good occasion to reprise my concept of “disguised shoulds.” Originally posted 2014-10-01 06:33:55.


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How to stop being offended by every little thing

The world would be a better place if everyone stopped being offended by every little thing.” Originally posted 2016-06-18 09:45:44.


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Three musts which hold us back

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 26 Mar 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, Disguised shoulds, musterbation, musty thinking, should statements |

Originally posted 2017-06-03 04:17:41.


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What is the difference between healthy & unhealthy emoting?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 13 Mar 24 in Albert Ellis, Demanding, Emotions |

  When adversities happen to people, they can choose to make themselves either (1) healthfully negative, sorry and regretful and annoyed and frustrated and disappointed about the happening  or (2) unhealthfully negative . . .    Originally posted 2013-07-16 21:52:38.


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