MUST I have what I want?
Do you believe that when you want something, you absolutely MUST have it . . . and that it is terrible when you don’t get what you must have? Originally posted 2016-05-09 02:14:28.

Baby I Need Your Lovin’ . . . Really?
Baby I Need Your Lovin’| Baby, I need your lovin’ I got to have all your lovin’ Baby, I need your lovin’ Got to have all your lovin’ ~The Four Tops, 1964 Awwwwww! Ain’t that romantic? Don’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Ain’t it the truth? […]

Will REBT make you a “Pollyanna” ???
Will practicing REBT turn you into a Pollyanna ??? Originally posted 2016-12-30 03:55:27.

I need you too much already, lah! :o{
I need you too much already, lah! Four Tops – “Baby I Need Your Loving” (1966) Originally posted 2013-08-01 18:17:04.

To achieve anything in life, you have to make it a “must” ???
We have been having a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion which I think boils down to a few basic-but-important questions: 1. Is it necessary to avoid shoulds, oughts, musts and why’s? in everyday speech? 2 What is the difference between “task-perfection” and “self-perfection.” 3. Can we be motivated without . . . Originally posted 2013-02-25 23:01:10.

Is “indifference” a better option than “strong preference”?
Is “indifference” a valid alternative to having a “strong preference”? We have been having a lively one over that Originally posted 2013-07-17 19:12:21.