Windy Dryden [published over 200 books] is one of the leading practitioners and trainers in the UK in the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) tradition of psychotherapy . . .
INTERNET ADDICTION Lots of people are writing and speaking about internet addiction these days. I like Tim Pool because he is a “straight-shooter.” His reports are penetrating, precise and fair. In this video Tim explores how internet addiction is something deliberately designed and exploited by the social media giants. Well-worth your 15 minutes . . .
Posted by Rex Alexander on Sat 8 Feb 25 in REBT, z-quarterlywith Comments closed | ∞
How prescriptive “should” REBT be in your use of language?
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that was developed by psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950s. REBT aims to help individuals change their irrational beliefs and attitudes to more rational ones, leading to better emotional well-being and behavior.
Some people, I think, are uncomfortable with the concept of “acceptance, believing that acceptance equates to passivity, to “resignation,” to not being proactively engaged in problem solving, in working hard to have a full, rich life.
A reader brings up some interesting questions about depression and other problems following withdrawal from dependence on benzodiazepines (related to Valium) even seven months after discontinuing use. He says that he has “PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome)” Although this is a BIG subject, and although my response is necessarily fairly “global” and general, there are, I hope, some important and possibly useful consideration:
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