Baby I Need Your Lovin’ . . . Really?
Baby I Need Your Lovin’| Baby, I need your lovin’ I got to have all your lovin’ Baby, I need your lovin’ Got to have all your lovin’ ~The Four Tops, 1964 Awwwwww! Ain’t that romantic? Don’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Ain’t it the truth? […]

I can’t stand it!
Jonathan von Breton shared another Albert Ellis quote in his “The Daily Al” feature: We say that nothing is awful, nothing. Rape, i ncest, terrorism, Hitler-it isn’t awful. Not that they aren’t bad, but a rational person would recognize that the world is inherently unfair.” Albert Ellis, Ph.D. … Founder of REBT To […]

Is anythnig ever truly 100% awful?
I enjoy the General Semantics (actually, more “ePrime”) exercise of debating whether anything is ever truly 100% awful. Originally posted 2013-02-08 19:20:50.

I cried because I had no shoes…
I cried because I had no shoes . . Originally posted 2017-03-25 07:16:16.

Originally posted 2019-03-14 20:12:41.

It’s official! “Awfulize” is now a word!
Dr. Ellis coined the term “awfulize” by transforming the adjective “awful” into a verb. The language of REBT can sometimes sound a little contorted, especially when employing “ePrime,” in it’s preference for using more verbs and adverbs than nouns and adjectives. Now, it is official! “Awfulizing” has made it to the big time and is […]

The Sky is Falling!
Originally posted 2019-03-06 06:56:30.

Nothing is ever 100% Awful (Are you sure?)
Over at the REBT-CBT Yahoogroup we have been having a fascinating–if-perennial–discussion about whether anything is truly awful . . . And, if it is true, as REBT asserts, that nothing is ever truly 100% awful, how can we convince clients of that? Originally posted 2013-09-25 01:35:17.