Depression following benzodiazepine withdrawal
Mick wrote: I cannot help but feel that my life has been ruined by this withdrawal process. 10 months out and I am in another wave. I have so much brain fog its unreal, as well as many, many many other debilitating symptoms. I lost the person whom I thought that I would marry […]
Dr. Ellis speaks on accepting self and others.
This is part of audio talk of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others Originally posted 2015-08-10 04:30:59.
The world sucks, and I can’t stand it!
A reader complains about having difficulty controlling anxiety with regard to society and politics. What great questions! You bring up several related but separate issues. Originally posted 2012-11-02 04:37:07.
Self acceptance is not a “thing.”
Here is a good one from the 2008 archives about self-esteem and self acceptance: By refusing to “devalue yourself because of your ignorance” perhaps you do understand more than you think. Originally posted 2015-04-16 04:22:58.
Dr. Ellis on Unconditional Self Acceptance – Video
This is part of a wonderful audio recording of Dr.Albert Ellis on Unconditionally Accepting Yourself and Others. Click to listen. Originally posted 2013-08-02 20:48:25.
Mortification of the Self
MORTIFICATION of the EGO This may seem tangential to REBT. It definitely leans more to the philosophical than therapeutic. I think the conclusion brings the therapeutic aspect into clearer focus. The “ego” or “self” or however you want to describe or define it, comes preinstalled on all humans so far as we know, […]
Is a “Happy-go-lucky” attitude an answer to anxiety?
How do we deal with anxiety about the future of a son who is not doing well in high school? Originally posted 2014-07-13 03:53:10.
What’s wrong with saying, “I am an EXCELLENT person” ???
We have bee having a lively–if somewhat perennial–discussion about why REBT dos not favor motivation and bolstering of “self esteem” by using global labels and “rating,” such as “I am an EXCELLENT person.” Originally posted 2018-12-26 19:54:03.