Let’s all become Mr. Spock and get rid of emotions! . . .

      Not!!!  Not ???

If you would like to live long and prosper (heh, heh, heh …) click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from you!


Originally posted 2013-03-26 22:07:14.

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Please don’t catastrophize over politics!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Thu 17 Oct 24 in Anxiety, Awfulizing, Awfulzing |

It’s not as bad as you think!

 . . .  Or is it ???

Click to find out if it is really as bad as you think. You may also leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from you!


Originally posted 2018-11-15 19:37:25.

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Life after people (?)

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 16 Oct 24 in Acceptance, Books & Media, Depression, Other stuffs, Videos |

Please watch the wonderful-but-chilling and sobering 2015 documentary “Life After people”

It explores what would happen if human beans suddenly disappeared,  
Click to watch the full version of this chilling video, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2016-04-23 06:09:24.

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Is seeing a CBT therapist while still strongly disturbed the right thing to do?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Wed 16 Oct 24 in Basics, Guest Author Posts, Rational Thinking, REBT & Other therapies compared |

Is seeing a CBT therapist while still strongly disturbed the right thing to do?


Is seeing a CBT therapist while still strongly disturbed the right thing to do?

Click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2013-11-28 04:12:30.

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Read “Enlightenment Now” Now!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 15 Oct 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Rational living, Rational Thinking, Read any good books lately? |


If you read one book this year, read Steven Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now.” Please! More than any book I have read, this one exposes how the despair, nastiness, anger and masochism characteristic of today’s social-cultural-political climate is irrational, manufactured and simply based on incorrect information. ~Rex 


Click to read a review, have a little discussion or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from you!


Originally posted 2018-10-01 06:33:40.

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New book on rational drinking!

Posted by Rex Alexander on Tue 15 Oct 24 in Addictions, Alcoholism, Compulsions, Books & Media, Rational Thinking |
I am very pleased to remind you of a book by my friends Dr. Michael Edelstein (left) and the late Will Ross (right)*, two people eminently qualified to teach us about how distorted thinking and irrational beliefs lead to excessive, self-destructive behaviors such as alcoholism and drug addictions.


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Originally posted 2013-01-11 18:53:48.

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We want to hear from you!



Look, I realize our banner must seem pretty demanding, but it really isn’t a “demand,” A just a strong preference! hehehehe . . .  Just a little (very little) REBT humor for you!   Click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question. We LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2017-06-20 06:30:54.


Posted by Rex Alexander on Mon 14 Oct 24 in Books & Media, bookshop, Demanding, musterbation, Uncategorized, Videos |

Prince Ea finally admits to being a chronic musterbator!

Are you one too?

Click because you want to watch this amazing video and find out . . .

Click to watch this great video, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2019-09-20 20:37:27.

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Stoic Philosophy and REBT

  The gods have released you from accountability for your parents, your siblings, your body, your possessions – for death and for life itself. They made you responsible only for what is in your power – the proper use of impressions. So why take on the burden of matters which you cannot answer for? You are only making unnecessary problems for yourself.”                           ~Epictetus

Click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question. We LOVE hearing from YOU!


Originally posted 2017-07-12 00:14:10.

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Ten Pounds of Shit in a Five Pound Bag?

Posted by Rex Alexander on Sun 13 Oct 24 in Acceptance, Addictions, Alcoholism, Compulsions, Perfectionism, Procrastination |

Q: The intense Mr. X writes about a pattern of trying to “put 10 pounds of shit into a five pound bag,” that is, making unrealistic plans, and then feeling frustrated,  and anxious about not accomplishing what he set out to do.  Sound familiar?



Click to continue reading, leave a comment or ask a question because we LOVE hearing from you!


Originally posted 2019-01-05 21:41:42.

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