Acceptance is not love!
Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they’re alive and human.” ~Albert Ellis Originally posted 2013-05-02 07:39:44.

Aim for success, not perfection
Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.” ~Dr. David M. Burns Originally posted 2013-05-02 22:53:14.

Dare to Be Average!
One of the most unusual, attention-grabbing, and in my opinion, important chapter titles ever in a self-help book of this kind. But what on earth could be the reason for such a seemingly negative, almost “anti-American” sentiment? Originally posted 2013-04-29 18:16:46.

New Feature: Your Opinion Matters!
We are starting a new regular column called “Your Opinion Matters!” Originally posted 2013-04-29 05:40:18.

Don’t worry, be happy! :o}
Don’t worry, be happy!” ~Meher Baba Say what??? Originally posted 2013-06-28 05:05:49.

Masturbation is good and delicious. Musterbation is evil and pernicious! ~Albert Ellis, PhD Dr. Ellis sometimes used vulgarity and scandalous language . . . Originally posted 2013-05-24 18:48:47.

What is the purpose of life?
We have been having a great time with our friends over at the REBT-CBT Forum discussing the timeless question, What is the Purpose of Life? Actually, REBT has quite a bit to say about this, but I fear that what it has to say is not very satisfying to those who raise the question! Click the […]

More “expliding teapot theory”
Sometimes people try to find ways to express their anger in a less dangerous way…. Originally posted 2013-05-03 19:26:38.

What causes disturbed feelings?
What causes disturbed feelings? Originally posted 2013-06-27 23:34:06.

Interview with Dr. Ellis
Albert Ellis: A Guide to Rational Living – Thinking allowed DVD with Jeffrey Mishlove NOTE: This is an excerpt from the full 90-minute DVD (available on Amazon.com) Originally posted 2013-05-24 18:37:19.