It is good to think about the future!
How far can you imagine into your future? For those suffering from addictions, alcoholism and depression, only about 9 days! Originally posted 2015-08-30 20:58:55.

Conversation with Aaron Beck, Founder Cognitive Therapy
Fascinating Conversation with Aaron T. Beck, founder of Cognitive Therapy Watch this fascinating video about the life and times of Dr. Beck, and join in the discussion. Originally posted 2013-04-08 21:04:46.

A loyal reader asks about managing job burnout What a great topic! There is an expectation that has become common since the 1960’s that work is “supposed” to be fulfilling, satisfying, fun, even meaningful . . . Originally posted 2013-06-25 02:53:25.

It takes courage to be happy in a sad world!
It takes courage to be happy in a sad world! I wrote this yesterday for someone who struggles with depression. While I reckon no one would ever accuse me of being Little Mary Sunshine, this is a message of hope, albeit expressed in an oblique way. Please share your thoughts and feelings. Originally posted […]

The Meaning of Life
Perhaps there are such people as “pure philosophers” who placidly think about the “meaning of life” as a kind of “recreation,” and are not motivated to do so by existential angst. Originally posted 2015-03-11 05:39:27.

Depression following benzodiazepine withdrawal
Mick wrote: I cannot help but feel that my life has been ruined by this withdrawal process. 10 months out and I am in another wave. I have so much brain fog its unreal, as well as many, many many other debilitating symptoms. I lost the person whom I thought that I would marry […]

What is the purpose of life?
We have been having a great time with our friends over at the REBT-CBT Forum discussing the timeless question, What is the Purpose of Life? Actually, REBT has quite a bit to say about this, but I fear that what it has to say is not very satisfying to those who raise the question! Click the […]

Do anti-depressant medications work?
We have been having a fascinating discussion that I reckon is best framed as “Do antidepressant medications work?” Originally posted 2013-08-06 19:00:08.